What I customized


Author: 刘杰文, Date: Unknown, Categories: , Tags:

What I customized

Here is talking about leap-day theme.

When asked about how is the theme, I would answer:

It’s a good theme, but it has some problems if you want to build a compatible website.

My Version

  1. A basic navigation system. It’s not implemented in js.
  2. Fits mobile devices. It’s now perfect for devices with varies screen scales.
  3. Layout info moved to the end and will always be shown.
  4. Add support for Mermaid. Apart from scripts, I modified the sass file so that graph will be shown in good color and on center places, whatever the device, whatever version of webview or other browsers.
  5. fork button with label of ‘View on Github’ now links to the page’s document on Github. And the icon of Github on the right side provides a download link for the document. And whether to allow downloads can be configure in variables.
  6. Remove Google Statics scripts to speed up access from China.
  7. pages that can be redirected to will give a section of the links as those to star and collect for viewers. The section will appear only when there is a link for redirection.