How to check OpenSSH version


Author: 刘杰文, Date: 2023-08-07 23:16:00 +0800, Categories: sshOpenSSH, Tags: sshOpenSSH

How to check OpenSSH version

Partially sourced from:

Enter the command in terminal:

ssh -V

check OpenSSH Version on localhost

But to see the ssh version of a remote device, we can see that in the verbose

ssh -v

check OpenSSH Version on remote machine

But if you have pubkey authenticated on the remote side, you will soon get logged-in and have a clear screen with nothing about verbose. SO HERE IS A BETTER COMMAND:

ssh -Nv

But the con is: it’s gonna stuck and you will have to break it and no pipeline will have a seat.

Also, if you’re sure you can login with pubkey authentication, HERE IS A BETTER*2 COMMAND:

@REM This is for Windows:
ssh "echo logged-in. && ssh -V && exit"

# This is for Linux:
ssh "echo logged-in.; ssh -V; exit;"


You may test these with localhost.

Have a good day!